How to make new emails using cPanel

2017-10-04T05:11:48+00:00October 4th, 2017|

If your new to cPanel and your looking to make a new email account using your domain name you have come to the right place. Lets get started and turn you into the webmaster you desire to be.

Step 1: Login to your cPanel by simply typing /cpanel at the end of you domain name. Example: If you don’t have your login details to your cPanel account you can request them from Slootz Designs by contacting us.

Step 2: Find the Email tab and click Email Accounts 

Step 3: In this screen you can create new emails, delete old emails and change passwords. Remember to use strong passwords to prevent any security threats from gaining access to account. It happens often, so don’t be that guy!

Step 4: Learn how to setup and access your new email account here